Tag: Mother abused

This time it is a mother whose children were abducted by her ex husband. She is desperate, her English is poor, but this doesn't make her story any less tragic. Unfortunately she did leave any contact information.
Artykuł gazety Superexpres opisujący międzynarodowe uprowadzenie dziewczynki z Kanady do Polski. Polskie media znowu mącą nacjonalistycznymi hasłami, a prawo i dobro dziecka nie mają znaczenia.
Www.gazeta.pl in today's article (June 14,2001) described what really happened when Natalia J. was trying to execute her legal court order in Kielce, Poland last week.
This site is a support place for victimized parents affected by international parental child abduction to Poland. The government of Poland has been a silent participant to this crime by not complying with the Hague Convention treaty laws. Statistics speak volume.