Tag: hope

As Eileen Clark finally had to face the music in US, the federal prosecutors decided to go easy on parental abductor. They let her plea guilty and .... sent her home, as if nothing of last 20 years actions had no meaning. Disgusting.
It is quite an unusual event for the liberal media to be impartial in reporting any custody cases, especially the international ones. This story is more so unbelievable, because the Australian 60 minutes team ( Tara Brown and Michael Usher) did an amazing investigative work in exposing its own government officials who knowingly participated in organizing, […]
the Polish legislature passed – and the Polish President signed it - a new bill that changes current court order enforcement procedures as they pertain to the Hague Convention cases. Will things change? Time will only tell.
Renata Majewska in her article published by Rzeczypospolita talks about recently approved changes by the lower house of the Polish legislature (Sejm) to change the procedures in dealings with international child abductions.
For quite some time now I have realized that the problem of poor compliance by the Polish judicial branch is caused mainly by the fact that the Polish judges and attorneys do not understand and do not know the law of The Hague Convention Treaty. I could not figure out however, how to make a dent in fixing this problem.